A word about the Managing Director

Stefan Attard Bason is the owner and Managing Director at Melitech Design ltd and has long had a passion for industrial research and product design. Graduating in an Electronics Design Institute in Malta, he started his career working in the R&D department of the Maltese subsidiary of a multinational firm producing various sensors, switching and control equipment. After that he moved to Germany where he worked for UWT GmbH a well-established and market leader manufacturer of Level sensors for Silos.

Returning to Malta in 2004, Mr Attard Bason started working as a freelance electronic designer and managed to built a solid portfolio of both foreign and local clients until, in 2006, he moved into a joint-venture with UWT GmbH his former employers in Germany and founded Melitech Design Ltd. Throughout the years he has further invested time and capital in building a good team of designers and growing the company. In 2012 he bought all shares and became the sole proprietor.

Still today UWT GmbH as well as a number of other companies, rely on Melitech Design Ltd to design the electronic side of their products and to develop and manufacture all their production jigs and test equipment. 


“I have founded Melitech Design Ltd to offer a pool of knowledge and resources of engineers and equipment that would make it more feasible and affordable for small and medium sized companies to subcontract their electronic product development to us other than setting up their own R&D department.

Our clients entrust us with their ideas and their reputation knowing that our team of professionals will deliver to them the same level of work and commitment as  they would expected from an in-house design team, however our resource pooling concept makes it more cost effective and advantageous for them to subcontract their design work to us.

We work hard to fulfil and most often overcome our clients’ expectations, in this way we build and sustain their trust in us."

Stefan Attard Bason
Managing Director